El Departamento de Desarrollo Humano anuncia   la  distribución de la Nota Verbal OAS/DDHEC-NV/09/2011 la cual informa que el Gobierno de China, a través del Ministerio de Educación de China
(MOE), en cooperación con el Departamento de Desarrollo Humano de la  Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), ofrece su apoyo a los  ciudadanos de los Estados Miembros de la OEA patrocinando becas parciales para realizar estudios de grado y postgrado en China en  cualquier campo de estudio disponible para estudiantes internacionales a  partir de setiembre 2011. ElConsejo de Becas de China (CSC) es la institución responsable de la matrícula de estudiantes internacionales y lleva a cabo la administración del Programa de Becas del Gobierno Chino.
El Programa está financiado con fondos especiales siguiendo principios semejantes a los contenidos en el Manual de Procedimientos de los Programas de Becas y Capacitación de la OEA y de las regulaciones de las Becas del CSC.
Por favor tomar en cuenta que toda la información relacionada a la convocatoria para la presentación de solicitudes de becas OEA-China también está disponible para el público en general en
Los postulantes que tengan preguntas acerca del proceso de postulación y
selección deberán contactar a:

Sr. Wang Guoping a – Número de teléfono (202) 495 2152; o
Sr. Tan Minxing a – Número de teléfono (202) 495
2166; or
Sr. Liu Jiangyi a – Número de teléfono (202) 495
Considerando que el formulario de solicitud de beca para este programa está disponible en idiomas inglés y chino, los documentos adjuntos están en inglés.


Notas APM: Programa de intercambio entre Consejo de investigaciones económicas y sociales de Inglaterra, quinta edición. Destinado a ciencias sociales, dar soporte a proyectos y potenciales vías de trabajo colaborativo.
ESRC/SSRC Collaborative Visiting Fellowship – Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
Deadline: March 20, 2011
Citizenship: Caribbean; Latin America
Amount: $7,420
Activity location: Latin America; North America; South America; United Kingdom
Abstract: The United Kingdom’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the U.S.-based Social Science Research Council (SSRC) are pleased to announce a fellowship for scholars from the Americas to visit and engage in collaborative activities with members of ESRC-supported projects in Britain, or for British scholars at ESRC-supported projects to visit collaborators in the Americas. This is the fifth round of a scheme designed to encourage communication and cooperation between social scientists in the United Kingdom and the Americas and to explore and develop possibilities for future joint research.
Contact email:

Notas APM: Proyecto de pruebas clínicas para realizar en AfricaSusahariana, para investigadores avanzados que han trabajado en Africa o quieran regresar allí. No creo que sea para UADER
Senior Fellowship – European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP)***
Deadline: June 28, 2011
Amount: 1,200,000 EUR is available to fund six projects
Citizenship: Unrestricted Activity location: Africa
Contact email:
Nota APM: Esta oferta es para post doctoral en ciudad del cabo, cubre gastos de traslado y 5mil anuales. Se puede publicar y no hay restriction de disciplinas.
University of Cape Town URC Postdoctoral Research Fellowships 2011- Postgraduate Funding Office; University of Cape Town***
Deadline: July 31, 2011
Amount note: The fellowship value is fixed at ‘5 000 for the full academic year and includes any relocation expenses.
Citizenship: Unrestricted
Activity location: South Africa
Abstract: The University of Cape Town invites applications for a limited number of Postdoctoral Research Fellowships to be taken up at the University during 2011. There is no restriction on any particular discipline or field of research. It is crucial that applicants’ research interests and faculty needs are in line with those of the host department.
Contact email: Ms. Stacey Moses

Notas APM: Humanidades y ciencias sociales, programa de post doctorado para Irlanda, vence ya!
Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences – Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS)***
Deadline: February 19, 2011 Amount note: Varies.
Citizenship: Unrestricted Activity location: Ireland
Abstract: The Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) funds leading-edge research in the Humanities and Social Sciences, including Law and Business Studies. Its primary strategic objective centers on building an expertise-driven research system in order to enhance Ireland’s innovation capacity and skills base in a rapidly-changing global environment where knowledge is key to economic, social and cultural development. IRCHSS is further committed to facilitating the integration of Irish researchers in the humanities and social sciences within the European Research Area.
Contact email:

Notas APM: estadia en Viena, cubre gastos de traslado y estadia, de 6 meses en el instituto de Viena para las ciecias sociales. PUBLICABLE; intersante. Ojo idioma!!
Robert Bosch Fellowships for Junior and Senior Scholars- Vienna Institute for Human Sciences***
Deadline: Varies
Amount note: The fellows will receive a stipend to cover all expenses related to the stay in Vienna (travel, apartment, health insurance, incidentals). The IWM will provide the fellows with a personal office with access to Internet and e-mail, in-house research and administrative facilities.
Citizenship: Unrestricted Activity location: Austria
Abstract: Robert Bosch Fellowships will enable junior and senior scholars to spend six months at the IWM in Vienna to pursue their research project while working in residence at the institute. Robert Bosch Fellows will be members of the international and multidisciplinary scholarly community at the IWM. They are invited to present and discuss their project in lectures or seminars.
Contact email: Dr. Colin Roberts

Notas APM: Programa del ministerio de asuntos internacionales de Canada, vence noviembre 2011 para investigación en asuntos bilaterales entre canada y argentina/parana/UADER. Publicable. Idioma!!
Canada-Latin America-Caribbean Awards in Canadian Studies – Programs for Individuals; Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC).***
Deadline: November 24, 2011 Amount note: $10,000
Citizenship: Caribbean; Latin America; Uruguay; Belize; Mexico; Bolivia; Grenada; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Paraguay; Guatemala; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Dominica; Jamaica; Panama; Honduras; Dominican Republic; Antigua and Barbuda; Venezuela; Brazil; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands; Bahamas, The; Guadeloupe; Nicaragua; Netherlands Antilles; Peru; Suriname; Costa Rica; Guyana; Cayman Islands; Colombia; Aruba; Martinique; Haiti; Chile; Barbados; Cuba; Saint Lucia; Argentina; Ecuador
Activity location: Canada; Caribbean; Latin America
Abstract: This Canadian studies award promotes research activities in areas relevant to the bilateral and multilateral relationships between Canada and the countries of the Latin America/Caribbean region. This award will support scholars in universities or research institutes in the Latin America/Caribbean region to undertake short-term research, including collaborative research, contributing to the understanding of bilateral and multilateral relations between Canada and the countries of the Latin America/Caribbean region.

NOTAS APM: Programa en Derechos Humanos, para pasarles a las vecinas de oficina.Defensa y promocion de los derechos humanos latinoamericanos. Buena oportunidad!! Se finacia un 70% a UADER y el resto va a organismos en EEUU con los cuales se realiza el intercambio. Es interesante. Idioma!!
Human Rights Program – Merck Fund, John (JMF)***
Deadline: NaN, Cont
Citizenship: Latin America; United States; Bolivia; Guatemala; Honduras; Venezuela; Brazil; Bahamas, The; Peru; Costa Rica; Colombia; Haiti; Barbados; Argentina; Ecuador; Uruguay; Belize; Mexico; Paraguay; Jamaica; Panama; Dominican Republic; Trinidad and Tobago; Nicaragua; Suriname; Guyana; Chile; Cuba
Activity location: Latin America; United States
Abstract: The human rights program concentrates on the defense and promotion of human rights in Latin America. Approximately 70 percent of the program’s budget goes to human rights organizations based in six countries in the region: Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. The remaining 30 percent of program resources supports activities of key U.S. groups dedicated to advancing human rights.
Contact email:
*For more opportunities on the LAC region, visit the Latin America Window

Strengthening Women’s Organizations and Political Representation in the Middle East and North Africa – Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)***
Deadline: December 3, 2011
Amount: $1,000,000 Citizenship: Unrestricted
Activity location: Algeria; Bahrain; Egypt; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Oman; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Syria; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; Yemen
Abstract: The Office of the Partnership Initiative (NEA/PI) announces an open competition for proposals to strengthen women’s participation in all aspects of society and promote women’s equality in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Contact email:

Reinforcing Cooperation With Europe’s Neighbours in the Context of the ERA – Activities of International Cooperation Calls***

Deadline: March 15, 2011
Citizenship: Unrestricted Activity location: Unrestrictedd
Abstract: Academic Institution; Commercial; Government; Nonprofit; Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional; Small Business
ABSTRACT: The call, INCO-6 Reinforcing cooperation with Europe’s neighbours in the context of the ERA, offers funding for Coordination and Support Action (supporting action) for
– INCO.2011-6.1 Eastern Europe and South Caucasus: Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan; and
– INCO.2011-6.2 Mediterranean Countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Palestinian-administered Areas, Lebanon, Syria.
Support actions are aimed at contributing to the implementation of the Framework Programmes and the preparation of future EU research and technological development policy or the development of synergies with other policies, or to stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of SMEs, civil society organisations and their networks, or small research teams and newly developed or remote research centres in the activities of the thematic areas of the Cooperation programme. Support actions normally focus on one specific activity and often one specific event.
Contact email:
URL: ——————————————————————————————————————-
APM Note: Programa de intercambio con escuela de investigaciones de humanidades en Universidad Nacional de Australia. Proveen fondos para viaje y hospedaje hasta 12 semanas para dar ayuda a estudiantes internacionales que trabajen en la escuela de investigación.El tema de esta convocatoria es : motivación ecológica, para los campos de literatura, filosofía, arte, musica,. Historia, se recomienda aplicar al programa. Vence marzo 15. Interesante, barrera idioma!! Se complementa con otro financiamiento de una fundacion.
Visiting Fellowships Program – Research School of Humanities; Australian National University (ANU)***
Activity location: Australian Capital Territory
Abstract: The Humanities Research Centre is part of the RSHA, in the College of Arts and Social Sciences. Its Visiting Fellowship program will provide funding (travel to Canberra and accommodation for up to 12 weeks) to support scholars to work within the larger Research School environment. The nominated theme for 2012 is Ecological Enlightenment. The sponsor encourages scholars working on this theme, especially in the fields of literature, philosophy, art history, music, history and critical theory, to apply for fellowships. A few non-thematic fellowships will also be considered of which 1-2 fellowships will be funded by the Freilich Foundation.
Contact email:

UK-Latin American/Caribbean Link Programme – British Academy (BA).***

Deadline: March 30, 2011
Amount note: Grants are offered up to a maximum of £10,000
Citizenship: Caribbean; Latin America; United Kingdom; Uruguay; Belize; Mexico; Bolivia; Grenada; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Paraguay; Guatemala; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Dominica; Jamaica; Panama; Honduras; Dominican Republic; Antigua and Barbuda; Venezuela; Brazil; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands; Bahamas, The; Guadeloupe; Nicaragua; Netherlands Antilles; Peru; Suriname; Costa Rica; Guyana; Cayman Islands; Colombia; Aruba; Martinique; Haiti; Chile; Barbados; Cuba; Saint Lucia; Argentina; Ecuador
Activity location: Caribbean; Latin America; United Kingdom
Abstract: The Academy’s UK-Latin America and the Caribbean Link Programme enables scholars working in the humanities and social sciences from the UK and Latin America and/or the Caribbean to run a seminar programme with a view to disseminating knowledge and furthering research on a topic of mutual interest. The programme should encompass two seminars, one in the UK and one in Latin America or the Caribbean, and should involve scholars from a number of institutions within these regions. The scheme is intended to strengthen existing academic links between and within the regions, as well as initiate the development of new ones.
Ayudas de la fundacion interamericana, para proyectos que ayuden a los mas desfavorecidos o zonas marginales, a mejorar las condiciones de vida. Enfocado a reforzar capacidades locales y de auto capacitación, reforzar lazos institucionales y crear capacidades institucionales. INTERESANTE!
Grants- Inter-American Foundation (IAF)***
Deadline: NaN, Cont Amount: $400,000
Citizenship: Caribbean; Latin America; Uruguay; Belize; Mexico; Bolivia; Grenada; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Paraguay; Guatemala; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Dominica; Jamaica; Panama; Honduras; Dominican Republic; Antigua and Barbuda; Venezuela; Brazil; Trinidad and Tobago; Turks and Caicos Islands; Bahamas, The; Guadeloupe; Nicaragua; Netherlands Antilles; Peru; Suriname; Costa Rica; Guyana; Cayman Islands; Colombia; Aruba; Martinique; Haiti; Chile; Barbados; Cuba; Saint Lucia; Argentina; Ecuador
Activity location: Caribbean; Latin America
Abstract: The IAF funds the self-help efforts of grassroots groups in Latin America and the Caribbean to improve living conditions of the disadvantaged and the excluded, enhance their capacity for decision-making and self-governance, and develop partnerships with the public sector, business and civil society. The IAF does not identify problems or suggest projects; instead it responds to initiatives presented. Projects are selected for funding on their merits rather than by sector.
Contact email:
*For more opportunities on the LAC region, visit the Latin America Window